Windsurfing is a sport that countless people across the world are fascinated by. Even more so because of this ongoing coronavirus pandemic where physical distance is required.
Windsurfing improves both strength and stamina, whereas most other sports emphasize one or the other. This is why windsurfers are in such pristine shape and healthy. It is a total body workout; in addition to sculpting your abs, arms and back and working on your inner balance, windsurfing works on your body’s endurance level. Sometimes you end up walking up the beach for miles or swimming out to catch a piece of kit that flew away – and then there’s the walk back to the car park once you’re done.
There are at least four reasons for windsurfing:
If there is one sport where you leave your troubles on shore, it is windsurfing.
The sea takes a lot concentration – not like a casual jog through
the forest. It demands total body engagement and multi-tasking between the feel of the board on the water to pull the sail in front. There is no time to take a phone call, no new notifications on your screen, nothing in your way – you are totally free. It is only you and the big blue!
Let’s get something out in the open straight away, windsurfing takes a lot of
practice. But, as soon as you learn how to stand on your board without
falling over, or control your sail on your own, your confidence builds quickly
and you realise you can do something amazing only a small minority of
people on the planet know how to do. Knowing how to windsurf feels like a
Even if windsurfing is considered an individual sport, it’s the collective spirit that makes it so special. Whether you have broken your board in the surf or need a hand getting back to shore, there is always someone willing to help you out. The windsurfing community is really cool and we are all connected by the same sense of excitement. It is really rare to find a fellow windsurfer who tries to steal your wave or give you a hard time – even the pros are super supportive and welcoming.
It’s only water
Unlike skating or snowboarding, the worst that can happen when windsurfing is probably just a bruise. If the falls related to the imbalance and instability are frequent, no reason to be afraid, it is only water!